Are your plan set Sheet Sets taking too dang long to plot? What? You don’t preplot?
Are you still struggling with chasing around those final markups? You know the drill. You fix it. Bob fixes it back. We even do it to ourselves. Do we blame our project benchmark – or our henchmen? Do we just do that again and again?
Life is like Roller Derby?
Time to Whip it. This is controllable and manageable in AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD Map, and even AutoCAD.
No rocket science involved. We can whip it.
External references and Civil 3D Data References are great stuff. We couldn’t live without them.
They help us get to a better design result faster and better too.
All these attached references come with a performance price and dynamic cost even if you employ shared network routing of your XREFs in Civil 3D. You can do that? See Options help. You want a shared locations for XREFs at crunch time (plot time) or you beat your network to death for no reason.
Work Smarter not Harder
Ok, folks this is simple. One of the best ways around all this crap is to employ quality controlled DWFs. Please excuse my use of the previously posted Civil 3D Drawing Type names.
- Get the collector drawing for the basemap drawing(s) right.
There can be more than one and probably should be. - Plot the thing to DWF in model space.
- Plunk the DWF(s) into a publishing collector drawing.
- Attach that.
Go home early on deadline day.
What’s Not to Like?
This works because all the stuff is going to get plotted to something like the DWF by the driver anyway. The vectored DWF just passes on through. Oooooo. Whip it.
This works because the DWFs kindly remember their geolocation and can even preserve basic Layer control without endless time inside that evil man-hour sucker of all time- the Layer Manager. Whip it.
Good God, Dave. Today someone asked me what a Layer State was?
This works because you can better manage and control the specific contents of the published DWFs on demand. Call it managed markup or not. Is it a checkplot or a markup? Who cares? DWF works.
Ok. So now you need to deal with this in your project structure. No biggy. That’s a lot easier than trying to root out why that one XREF plotted like that for no reason at all with the senior project manager leaning over your desk. Whip it.
Yippie. You’ve now also begun to document the work in progress for your project as well without lots of other extraneous stuff. Is there an app for that?
Say after me, "The visible is good."
DWF It. DWF It Good.
Maybe Autodesk can get you their customized DEVO DWF It ring tone?
There’s a blast from the past.
Did you know that DEVO’s hit Whip It is older than AutoCAD?