The idea behind renting AutoCAD Civil 3D on a short term basis makes sense if you have a project that demands Civil 3D deliverables and you don’t typically produce project work that way.
Civil 3D isn’t the only civil engineering and survey game in town.
Autodesk’s touted free Educational versions of AutoCAD Civil 3D also make learning Civil 3D to improve you career potential possible too.
It’s true.
Now You Have a Problem
What Autodesk fails to mention is the problem.
Autodesk Civil 3D is basically unusable without considerable upfront detailed customization and setup.
I doubt that any knowledgeable Civil 3D expert would tell you that learning the complex and detailed ropes of AutoCAD Civil 3D customization is something you want to do on day one of using Civil 3D. I put it this way:
"Civil Engineers need to do engineering not customize software.
Surveyors need to gather data and analyze not recreate interfaces."
Your “local” Autodesk “partner” will offer you off-the-shelf training courseware and perhaps absurdly expensive customization services.
A few of the smart ones will mention our Production Solution products.
Thanks folks.
The Steep Curve
Civil 3D is unquestionably much harder to learn without a consistent and production ready set of Civil 3D templates, Civil 3D Styles, and Civil 3D resources. The typical courseware available for AutoCAD Civil 3D is also often short on the production detail you actually need or simply ignores some of the mission critical tools you may need to employ.
- Compliant Standards support in training courseware?
- Built-in proven support for multiple releases of AutoCAD Civil 3D?
- Detailed libraries for every tool available in Civil 3D?
“Are you kidding?”
How to Shorten the Struggle in Civil 3D
We supply Production Solutions for AutoCAD Civil 3D that work out of the box. They are affordable. All of them deliver proven results for both basic and advanced Civil 3D training. They produce real world compliant production work in recognized National CAD Standards.
Templates Only
Works and supplies the basic templates, style, and resources to learn to use Civil 3D at a simply ridiculous price.
“Templates Only should be a required download supplied with the educational version of AutoCAD Civil 3D.”
InstantOn Basic
Supplies the entire and necessary infrastructure for AutoCAD Civil 3D design use. All our InstantOn products also includes a production training dataset. Why? Because everyone needs it.
“We changed your templates, but we still train our staff with your in-depth training dataset.”
InstantOn Survey
Supplies both surveyors and civil engineers what you need to deliver everything in InstantOn Basic and a complete easy to tweak Survey solution for Civil 3D. Match anyone’s code and point data and get to work fast in Civil 3D.
“You make me look better than my competition. They are still trying to figure out how I do it.”
Jump Kit
Our most popular product probably because Jump Kit allows our customers to systematically modify and tweak and even manage our InstantOn product(s) into exactly what they and even the strange stuff that others require at a reasonable price. Our products can even produce DGN ready to edit output.
“Thank God, we found you. We struggled with Civil 3D for over a year. Jump Kit fixed that almost overnight. Keep it up.”
There’s a reason why Civil 3D training providers strongly recommend our products. See and search for Civil 3D. Some of the best on-site, project-based training out there employs our products in one form or another.
We Do Our Part for Civil 3D Training
Become a Member. It’s free. Register here. Gain access to some of the most practical and detailed Civil 3D video training available anywhere. What the heck. We even supply deliverable production courses for both typical site project and complex roadway projects too. They don’t require that you purchase a Production Solution product. But it helps.
Make the smart investment and…