One of the most frequent ways organizations become a new Production Solutions customer is because they hire someone who already employs our products. These people can often demonstrate more AutoCAD Civil 3D skill and in-depth understanding of the capabilities of the Autodesk product.
“Fred? How is it that you seem to get so much work done so much faster in Civil 3D than our people do?”
Production Matters
Fred says, “I don’t have to mess around with all the Style stuff to get what I need to see to get my design or survey work done.”
He does get more work done. He also has the time and liberty to learn the software in a supportive, consistent, and complete Civil 3D working environment. He knows how to use our integrated Style tools that make AutoCAD Civil 3D work. He is spoiled with the ability to do real world design and survey work and not have to struggle with petty and arcane software details. He has good choices available to him.
Fred wants to continue to have that professional edge.
Sure. Every organization that employs Civil 3D has by now come up with some internal solution or external customized solution to the Civil 3D templates and styles nightmare. Happily, they manage to get their old look and feel working as styles. They found, probably by trial and error, a project workflow somewhat acceptable to them. A custom car is something to be proud of.
This is Not a Race for Pink Slips
The thing is Civil 3D templates and styles are not a nightmare or really anything like a custom car.
They are a better path to greater Civil 3D user productivity and performance.
This takes ruthless objective pursuit of what works better.
That’s what we do every day in our Production Solutions.
Kindly, our customers say that it shows.
“It’s in there. Heck. Most of the time it’s better than what I thought I wanted,” says Fred.
“Well Fred? Can you help us fix our Civil 3D templates and styles?”
“Why would you want to do that? Why not buy Jump Kit like I did?” asks Fred.
Fred gets it. He knows from experience that…