What do you know? Based on our initial testing of the shipping build of Autodesk Civil 3D 2020, both the current Release 8 and Release 7 builds (based on the last Civil 3D 2019.2 Update) of the Framework for Civil 3D products all upgrade and run great in Civil 3D 2020. There’s a reason for that.
Read on to find out details about how you might want to employ the latest new Civil 3D Batch Save Utility to update resources and project drawings to a new Civil 3D release or update more quickly.
Framework for Civil 3D 2020 is Coming Soon
Meanwhile the current Release 8 (NCS 6 layer standard by default) and Release 7 (NCS 5 layer standard by default) product builds run on a staggering number of supported releases of Civil 3D albeit with some differences in capabilities based on the Framework Release, the specific Framework product, and the Civil 3D release you choose to employ.
Do your Civil 3D templates and Civil 3D styles upgrade without a hassle the latest Civil 3D?
Who has time to test that? We all have real project work to do.
You might want to upgrade to the Framework for Civil 3D Jump Kit product and discover why our customers trust and depend on the Framework for Civil 3D for adaptive standards, consistency, and the most robust upgrade behavior in the marketplace.
What do you know? We guarantee our products will upgrade to the next release of Civil 3D and we fix it. We’ve delivered on that promise for more than a decade of Civil 3D releases and Updates with hardly a ripple or customer complaint. We make Civil 3D work for our customers. It’s what we do. Our focus, commitment, and experience matter.
What do you know? We even manage all of that without any custom code you must buy and then buy again and again. Imagine that?
Because the Framework consists of only Civil 3D content resources our products readily adapt for use with most Civil 3D 3rd party software without any problems.
Face the Framework for Civil 3D Facts
Our latest Release 8 products for Civil 3D have already been out on the street proving their worth in real-world civil engineering and survey projects in demanding production environments for many months.
Can your Civil 3D templates perform this powerful, useful, and innovative Civil 3D workflow?
Corridor Station Labels
Ok. I admit it. We cheat. We intentionally did our major Release 8 update of resources early. Now we all already know it works in working projects. Release 8 already makes Civil 3D users happy for the Framework for Civil 3D products and their useful capabilities.
The entire Framework for Civil 3D contains the largest, most diverse, most adaptive, and easiest to customize set of inclusive resources for Civil 3D production work available anywhere on the planet.
Register for free and check out our Members section and our extensive Civil 3D Documentation and Help section.
What do you know? We also curate the largest free collection of Civil 3D training videos available anywhere.
Our famous and sometimes copied Spreadsheet Tools literally change the way people think about customizing and maintaining Civil 3D.
The Framework for Civil 3D is a managed and integrated system built from the ground up for Civil 3D production work. It works out of the box. That should make sense.
The fact that the Framework for Civil 3D is also affordable is a bit crazy.
The Framework for Civil 3D Products
- Jump Kit Release 8 or Release 7 for Civil 3D 2019 or Civil 3D 2018
Get the Framework for Civil 3D
Versions of Jump Kit are available for older releases of Civil 3D - Templates Only Release 8 for Civil 3D 2019 or Civil 3D 2018
Try the Framework’s templates and styles today
Time to Get to Work
Customers who purchase the affordable Jump Kit Release 8 2019 between April 11, 2019 (the Civil 3D 2020 ship date) and our upcoming Jump Kit Release 8 for Civil 3D 2020 ship day will receive a free upgrade to Jump Kit Release 8 for Civil 3D 2020.
Need to Learn Civil 3D?
The Framework for Civil 3D is your best bet. Our Templates Only trial product with thousands of fully functional production styles and other resources works out of the box. Templates Only is available for a $25 service charge.
A Batch of Good News for Existing Jump Kit Customers
Can’t wait for the Framework for Civil 3D Release 8 2020?
You can employ the Civil 3D Batch Save Utility that ships with Civil 3D 2019 and a new standalone version that ships with Civil 3D 2020 to easily upgrade you existing templates, Civil 3D style library resources, and even on-going project drawings to almost any reasonably current version of Civil 3D.
If you are an Autodesk subscription customer, a standalone version the Civil 3D Batch Save Utility is available to download from the subscription site.
What Batch Save Means
For our preliminary testing we upgraded all the 2019 Framework templates and related Layout template resources with the new Batch Save in about 10 minutes. No joke. Most of that time was spent moving and narrowing down the resources we wanted/needed to convert. You do want to upgrade and test copies.
We converted an entire Framework Sample 2019 project dataset and all those resources in about 10 minutes with another 20-30 minutes of time spent updating the project’s data shortcuts and drawing names to be more 2020 name compliant. Once again, a lot of that time was moving and narrowing down the resources we wanted/needed to convert.
We did not have to edit or even tweak previously created script and lisp resources we employed for earlier Civil 3D Updates. Literally it took more time to find the new 2020 location of the BatchSave log files than anything else. Silly me. It works to read the Civil 3D Batch Save Utility help pages.
Gee. The new help pages even covers the basics of using the Windows Task Manager to automate your updates on a schedule. Dooh!
With a little careful preparation of scripts, lisp, and resources, the Civil 3D Batch Save Utility can automate and reduce a lot of upgrade hassle in Civil 3D. You probably want to read and review the posts below. There are important tips is there.
If you are an existing customer and would like some powerful prototype scripts and LISP resources for Batch Save Utility tasks for use with Jump Kit product resources. Layer Standard conversions of resources and/or project drawings is one specific useful production example.
The incredible idea we could easily produce work in more than one Layer Standard (or different sets of CAD Standards for that matter) is just crazy. Or is it? We call that innovation Adaptive Standards. We directly support a bunch. See the Release 8 Details page for the details about that.
Please send me an email to sales@cadpilot.com if you think some of our Batch Save Tool resources might help you. Please include your phone number so we can call you back and discuss the available Batch Save tools and usage. No one needs another scary and hairy tool they do not understand and cannot use.
Release the Innovation Beyond the Code
Get the Framework for Civil 3D Release 8
Batch Save Utility Posts
Thankful Civil 3D Upgrades with Batch Save
- The important details to know to employ the Civil 3D Batch Save Utility Tool for upgrades to templates, drawings and Civil 3D specific resources.
Batch Save Utility in Civil 3D 2019
- The basics of using the Civil 3D Batch Save Utility Tool for upgrades to templates, drawings and Civil 3D specific resources.
Reprisals and the Civil 3D Batch Save Utility
- Security and more performance tips, tricks, and issues with the Civil 3D Batch Save Utility Tool.