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The Framework for Civil 3D supports Adaptive Layer Standards in many releases of Civil 3D. That means you can produce project work in one official and compliant Layer Standard - maybe the NCS 6.0 and still produce deliverables in perhaps another Layer Standard like the NCS 6.0 AIA standard.
Sounds crazy… We know.
It’s all about the hidden potential in the Framework’s managed and integrated system for Civil 3D.

The Framework for Civil 3D supports built-in support for NCS 6 and NCS 5.0 (National CAD Standards), the GSA (General Services Administration) CAD Standards, DOD (Dept of Defense) standards, and US Army Corp standards. We include built-in support for exchanging the multiple variants and versions of the NCS Layer Standards. We supply the resources to do all that in both STB and CTB publishing environments. That is Adaptive Layer Standards.

Innovation to Make the Impossible Possible

A number of Framework for Civil 3D customers have asked for Layer Standard Spreadsheet Tool modifications that produce much of the Survey linework on Layers with finer plotstyles from the default NCS Medium and Medium Screened plotstyle default of .35mm.

We can do that.

Layer Standards 8 Survey AddOn

We supply an Excel Sheet with the appropriate NCS Keys color values that tweak the NCS Key color assignments to accomplish this.

Release 8 Jump Kit customers can download the Layer Standards 8 Survey AddOn from the appropriate product download page.

This Layer Standards 8 Survey AddOn is an excellent example of a powerful built-in method to tweak the supplied Layer Standards and Layers States quickly to meet your requirements with our Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tools.

The download zip file includes an Excel spreadsheet with a replacement version for the NewKeys6 sheet in the Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tools.

After the replacement for the Keys data in the NewKeys6 sheet many default Survey Layer colors will automatically resolve to a final digit of 1 instead of the default of 3. This produces Thin and Thin Screened plotstyle results in the STB Layer Standards and the appropriate color resolution result in the CTB Layer Standards.

The values can be copied and pasted from the supplied Excel .xlsx resources file and pasted into any Layer Standards Spreadsheet tool.

You should:

  • Always employ a copy of the Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tool file
  • After the pasting of the replacement Key Color values
    Check the Name reference definition in the spreadsheet.
  • Carefully check the resolved color columns in the production results sheets
    Filters on the sheets work well to do that.
    You do not want any color to resolve to 0 or a number above 255.
    Some layers may require adjustments.
  • Update copies of the supplied Layer States script (.scr) files
    These are supplied in clearly named folders in the Layer Standards folders
  • Run the new scripts into a copy of the appropriate Standards files (.dws or .dwg) files and update the supplied Layer States
  • Import the adjusted Layer States and test in a copy of a production drawing.

See the Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tool help in Members>>Documentation and Help>>Spreadsheet Tools for details. There are detailed step by step instructions provided for all the tasks above.

Access to those Civil 3D on-line free help resources requires the you Register as a website Member and login.

We Adapt or We Work Too Hard

The Framework for Civil 3D is available in both Release 8 (NCS 6.0 compliant by default) and the older Release 7 (NCS 5.0+ compliant by default) versions for multiple releases of Civil 3D. Both of our Releases include the resources and tools to support the Adaptive Layer Standards.
Release 8 includes our Adaptive Building Block libraries and more resources not included in Release 7.

Two Releases of the Framework for the Price of One

Buy a Jump Kit for 2019 in Release 8 or Release 7 before our new Framework for Civil 3D 2020 products ship and receive a free upgrade to a Jump Kit 2020.

Release the Innovation Beyond the Code
Get the Framework for Civil 3D Release 8