Civil 3D Project Explorer and Site Grading

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Over the summer we discussed the hot topic of Site Grading with Corridors in Autodesk Civil 3D in a series of posts. Most in-depth posts include instructive and detailed instructional videos to allow folks the Civil 3D Land see and learn how to make the jump from Feature Lines Only grading design workflows and processes to productive Civil 3D Corridor engine method and practice.

We already know there is more to a site grading engineered solution than a finished grade surface in a project. Hmm? We are back to the how many surfaces are there question.

“There can be only one” was great hook for a famous movie. That’s my clan’s Scottish castle by the way. Our real-world civil engineering and survey project work does not usually work that way.
Perhaps the famous phrase E pluribus unum (One from Many or technically From the Many…One) speaks about the realities of our project work more clearly?

“Show me the money.”

In the most recent series post, Civil 3D Site Grading Feature Lines and Corridors, we reviewed how tool choice is not an all or nothing endgame. Feature Lines in Civil 3D are our grading friends. Corridors should be too. We can successfully implement the daily use of the old and the new Civil 3D grading design tools.

Managed Feature Lines with Corridors

The Corridor engine these days readily accepts Feature Line and Extracted Feature Line design control. Those Extracted beasts can be both static and dynamic. We better manage that.

Better yet, the Civil 3D Corridor Feature is built to produce, maintain, and manage collected groups of Corridor Feature Line results with less effort. We discovered how to put some of the various Corridor properties to our advantage.

We video demoed and discussed how Multiple Baseline Corridors can optimize our design control and speed deliverable production in Civil 3D. All these videos are collected in the new Site Grading with Corridors video section. There will be more videos to come.

Better Site Grading Corridor Tools

Intentionally, I produced the first set of Site Grading with Corridors videos in Autodesk Civil 3D 2021 with one arm figuratively tied behind my back. This became more difficult than I envisioned. We all agree that raw Civil 3D requires lots of pick and clicks to do and/or even talk about anything complex. The truth is I am already spoiled and lazy because of new Project Explorer for Civil 3D.

Let’s take a quick peek at Feature Lines made easier in the Project Explorer (PE). If you employ Civil 3D 2020+ and install the new PE, a bunch of Civil 3D Features get easier to employ and manage.


Civil 3D Project Explorer and Feature Line Grading

John Sayre’s quick video demo of the new Autodesk Project Explorer for Civil 3D (PE) capabilities for Feature Line grading design speaks volumes.

The more of the Civil 3D data behind we can immediately visualize, access, easily manipulate, and report on matters to our daily productivity in Civil 3D.
We all should to be spoiled like this.


Civil 3D Project Explorer and Alignments, Profiles, and Corridors

Ben Wardell’s PE Corridor video show us that even a simple Corridor is much easier to understand, build, and maintain in the PE interface.

In case you missed the Autodesk Project Explorer roll out playlist, you can see the entire playlist on the Project Explorer for Civil 3D video page or visit more videos in the new Project Explorer public training video section.

The Framework for Civil 3D and Project Explorer

All of the multiple flavors of the Framework for Civil 3D Release 8 for both Civil 3D 2020 and Civil 3D 2021 include integrated Style libraries that help anyone employ Civil 3D and the new PE successfully.

There’s a new set of Framework for Civil 3D 2021.1 Release 8 Update products available. Like the new PE the Framework makes Civil 3D simply work better. Do your Civil 3D templates and Civil 3D Styles do that?

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