Autodesk released the latest Civil 3D 2020.5.2 Update for Autodesk Civil 3D 2020 earlier this week. The latest Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5.2 Update addresses remaining problematic issues with Feature Lines that are used as Corridor Baselines in the earlier Civil 3D 2020.5 and Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Updates.
The Civil 3D 2020.5.2 Update appears to resolve the last major hanging chad issues in the somewhat problematic Civil 3D 2020.5 Update cycle. Hoorah.
This latest 2020.5 Update may or may not update previous installs of Civil 3D 2020 that are not updated to the Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update released last month.
The on-line help documentation and release notes are currently unclear on this issue.
You may want to exercise and abundance of caution and install that Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update first if you have not done so already.
If you employ or want to employ the Autodesk Cloud and BIM 360 the latest release of the Autodesk Desktop Connector 14.5 Update for BIM 360 is required. That is not mentioned specifically in the Update release notes. See below.
Here are the Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update details…
Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5.2 Update
The Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5.2 Update is available via the Autodesk Desktop Connector app or via download from the Autodesk subscription site.
The update requires access to the original install resources.
Install the Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update prior to installing the Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5.2 Update
The earlier Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update includes the product fixes included in Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.1, Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.2, Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.3, Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.4 and the previous Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5 Updates.
Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5.2 Update addresses issues with Feature Lines that are used as Corridor Baselines.
When Feature Lines in a site were used as Corridor Baselines, Feature Lines would unexpectedly disappear from the Site.
In addition, unnecessary hidden Alignments were created when a Baseline Feature Line was updated.
This update prevents Feature Lines from disappearing from Sites, and prevents the hidden Alignments from being created in a Site.
The Civil 3D 2020.5.2 Updates includes a new PurgeHiddenAlignsFromSites Civil 3D command that will purge hidden Alignments in Sites from existing drawings.
After running the PurgeHiddenAlignsFromSites command, the Corridor will be out of date.
This is because when a problematic Alignment is purged, a new Alignment will be created for the Corridor and the Corridor will need to be rebuilt.
The new command does not restore missing Feature Lines to Sites from which they disappeared.
See the previous Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update notesin the Civil 3D 2020 on-line Help.
See the Civil 3D 2020.5.2 Release Notes.
Framework for Civil 3D and Civil 3D 2020.5.2
The recent Framework for Civil 3D product builds for the Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update already available on the respective product download pages appear to run fine and without issues after the Civil 3D 2020.5.2 Update install. Whew.
We will release Framework product maintenance update builds for Civil 3D 2020.5.2 Update along with a new Label Style AddOn and large Civil 3D Style library collection improvements and additions in the near future.
Merry Christmas!
The Liberty to Work in Civil 3D
Get the Framework for Civil 3D