This spring the cadpilot website zoomed past a couple of significant milestones in Civil 3D Land. Silly Me. I hardly noticed. You know the problem. We all suffer from that head down focus thing when we are trying to get the latest project out the door.
“Honey? Wasn’t that our offramp ?”
At the time the current project is/was the Framework for Civil 3D Release 8 for Autodesk Civil 3D 2022. The deepest, best, and longest lasting Civil 3D Templates, Civil 3D Styles, and Civil 3D resources collections on the planet are worth the sustained effort.
Five Years
The cadpilot site celebrated 5 years of posting important civil engineering and survey video content delivered by some of the best Autodesk Civil software experts out there in Civil 3D Land. Ok. I have been at that for considerably longer as have some of those other folks. The total video count hosted on our video collection pages is scary.
A goodly number of video pages host playlists of multiple videos so an exact number, like the number of Civil 3D Styles in the Jump Kit, is a bit an illusion and difficult to nail down exactly.
A 1000 Civil Videos
One day this spring it appears that the total video count passed 1000. God knows what the total hours count for all of that Civil video content would be.
If someone else knows of a better Autodesk Civil 3D training focused video collection out there, please tell me. I can’t find it.
Thanks to the Contributors
Thanks to all the folks who deliver great Civil 3D content for free out there in Civil 3D Land. It takes a special form of insanity and effort to talk to the wall and/or deliver a useful webinar on complex technical topics with some flare and panache. Eheh.
Thanks to the Audience
Thanks to all of you that regularly visit here and watch their content. I trust you appreciate the lack of ads and all the other painful parts of internet interactions that we make a conscious effort to avoid.
Those video visit numbers reaffirm to me that lots of folks out there take improving their Civil 3D skills, knowledge, and understanding seriously.
Hopefully, you all manage to gain a smidgeon of Civil 3D wisdom while you bath in the light of the Tube. Eheh.
Seek and You Shall Find
See the Video Archive page for chronological and/or categorized collections of the videos.
Since someone asked - Generally, you can search by video author’s name to get pages of results.
The Editor’s Remarks
We do not publish video without sound. Like the wife says. “Use your words.”
We do not publish videos with gross technical errors or serious errors of omission which can be worse than the first.
We do not publish courseware videos even though many of those include great free content.
That is their business, and we have no desire to interfere.
We respect the fact that some video content is findable and technically public, but not intended for that purpose or the video content is intended for a captive audience.
We make an effort to respect copywrite and honor video content authorship by including appropriate links to the original content and appropriate other links.
If a video is posted here, I personally watched all the content.
Call this video content effort my morning Civil 3D Stretch and Training Workout.
The Liberty to Work in Civil 3D
Get the Framework for Civil 3D Release 8