Each version of every Framework for Civil 3D product contains a useful and powerful Assembly resources library that can deliver substantial production benefits for roadway Corridor design in multiple releases of Autodesk Civil 3D.
The Framework for Civil 3D supports generic AASHTO standards and supplies the necessary Assembly drawing resources and Sets of Assemblies to produce production results in Civil 3D.
We all recognize that the thing about standards is they change – usually for the better.
The Good Can Be Better
The Framework for Civil 3D is all about the liberty to help make the Autodesk Civil 3D diva work and our projects upgrade better from one Autodesk Civil 3D release to the next.
We conclude the time is now for some manifest fixes, improvements, and substantive additions to the Framework for Civil 3D Assembly resources. The good can always be better.
Framework for Civil 3D Assemblies AddOns
Updated versions of the Framework for Civil 3D Assemblies resources are available Civil 3D 2022, Civil 3D 2021, and Civil 3D 2020 for all Framework for Civil 3D products for these releases.
Jump Kit 8 2022, 2021, and 2020 customers may now download the Assemblies AddOn builds from the respective product download pages.
Templates Only 8 2022, 2021, and 2020 customers may now download the Assemblies AddOn builds from the respective product download pages.
We provide Civil 3D 2022.1 Update versions of the Assemblies resources in advance of the soon to be released Framework for Civil 3d 2022.1 Update products to aid our customers with potential Civil 3D templates and Civil 3D working project Upgrade issues.
The Assemblies AddOn Details
See the Release 8 AddOns Details page for the listing of the Assemblies AddOn details.
Each Assemblies AddOn ships with major updates to the supplied Assembly resources for the specific Civil 3D release.
There is an Assemblies AddOn for Civil 3D 2022, Civil 3D 2021, and Civil 3D 2020.
The supplied resources work for all flavors of the Framework for Civil 3D products.
Each AddOn contains a complete new build of all Civil 3D Assemblies.
All Subassemblies in all Assemblies were updated to the current version of the Civil 3D 2019 dll.
All Subassemblies were renamed to employ prefix codes to improve the ease of use with new Civil 3D Targeting tools and filters.
The supplied Assembly resources open and run in Civil 3D 2020, Civil 3D 2021, and Civil 3D 2022.
Assembly Updates
The supplied Assembly library of resource drawings were rebuilt from scratch.
The naming convention for the supplied Assembly resources and drawings was not changed for consistency.
All Subassemblies updated to employ prefix codes.
Stock Subassembly replacements and/or property updates may be cascaded to sets of or copies of sets of Assemblies with relative ease.
PKT replacements and/or property updates may also be cascaded to sets of or copies of sets of Assemblies with relative ease.
- Updated all supplied Assemblies to employ prefix codes for Subassembly components for improved ease of use with new Civil 3D Targeting tools and filters
- Updated all supplied Assemblies with corrected Superelevation assignments where appropriate
- Updated all supplied Assemblies properties to current AASHTO Green Book recommendations where appropriate
For example - All 35 Collectors were upgraded from standard 6" curbs to standard 8" Curbs.
For example - All Rural Assemblies were upgraded to standard 6' paved and 6' unpaved or standard 4' paved and 4' unpaved with 5% grades - Based on customer requests and feedback Curb Subgrade extensions were removed for Local and Collector Assemblies
Datum surfaces therefore resolve better - Updated all Curb Fillets Assemblies to include superelevation support
- Updated all Shoulder Fillets Assemblies with width and slope standards and to include superelevation support
- Updated all Assembly Descriptions to reflect current properties
- Removed and/or dated Description content where appropriate
Assembly Additions for Medians
A number of new Assembly Sets and Assemblies are included that produce typical Medians and Turn Lanes.
- Added both 35 Rural and 35 Collector sets of Assemmblies for Link Medians - include "_ML" in the Assembly name
The set of Assemblies to construct Link based Medians and Turn Lanes with single Undivided Crown or Undivided Planar roadways with Superelevation - Added both 35 Rural and 35 Collector sets of Assemmblies for Flat Medians - include "_MF" in the Assembly name
The set of Assemblies to construct Flat Medians and Turn Lanes with single Undivided Crown or Undivided Planar roadways with Superelevation - Added both 35 Rural and 35 Collector sets of Assemmblies for Crowned Medians - include "_MC" in the Assembly name
The set of Assemblies to construct Crowned Medians and Turn Lanes with single Undivided Crown or Undivided Planar roadways with Superelevation
Assembly Additions
A number of new Assemblies and prototype Assemblies are included.
- Added Urban prototyle Assemblies with AASHTO Urban minimum 11' Lanes
- Added 8" Curb Fillets for AOR and standard Superelevation lanes
- Added 4' Shoulder Fillets for AOR and standard Superelevation lanes
Current Batch Save Utility Issues with Assemblies
All the current Civil 3D Update versions are more particular about resolving Plan view Assemblies in upgraded drawings if upgraded with the Civil 3D Batch Save Utility.
The applied Assemblies all function properly in Corridors and Intersections regardless of this display resolution issue.
Batch Save upgraded drawings may also require Edits of the Assembly's Type property to resolve properly in Plan.
If that doesn't suffice to fix the issue, a temporary rename of any subassembly should force the Assembly to resolve.
The Liberty to Make Civil 3D Work
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