A long-overdue Autodesk Civil 3D 2022.2 Update hit the street yesterday. The Civil 3D 2022 Update 2 is an important set of new interface improvements, significant performance enhancements, and critical fixes for Civil 3D. This Civil 3D Update makes our lives in Civil 3D better in a lot of ways. Don’t try to employ Civil 3D 2022 without it.
Almost every Civil 3D user can and will benefit from something in this Civil 3D 2022.2 Update no matter what type of work they do or how they do their project work now in Civil 3D 2022.
Autodesk Civil 3D 2022.2 Update
Autodesk has an official published What’s New in Civil 3D 2022.2 features and benefits page.
A review of the Civil 3D 2022.2 Update Fixed Issues page might make your day.
We touch on a few highlights here.
There are a ton of new features, benefits, and fixes built into the Civil 3D 2022.2 Update. Autodesk continues to make a big push to improve Civil 3D performance for drawings, surfaces, networks, DREFs, and Corridor engine issues.
Out of the Box Performance
More complex Civil 3D project drawings open quicker in 2022.2. Autodesk improved drawing open and regen time for drawings that contain many profiles with a large number of labels.
Drawings with Reference Templates (TREF) appear to open quicker based on our testing for the Framework for Civil 3D 2022.2 product builds. Just so you know – Subjectively, drawing open performance of 2022.2 seems not quite as brisk as the current Civil 3D 2023 build.
Corridors and Targeting
Civil 3D 2022.1 Update included major improvements to the Corridor Targeting interface. The 2022.2 Update includes additional ease-of-use tools a functionality including Filters to reduce the time to set targets, quicker Surface target selection, and much improved target By Layer tools and mechanics.
The automatic Corridor Surface shrinkwrap boundary now resolves properly more often and more consistently when there are gaps between Regions in the Corridor. Hoorah.
Feature Line Baselines geometry locking was improved and the 2022.2 Update includes many fixes to other Corridor, Assembly, and Subassembly issues.
The Civil 3D 2022.2 Update still contains the annoying plan view display issue weirdness for some Subassemblies when drawings are updated with the Civil 3D Batch Save Utility. This is easy to fix but annoying. Make a minor edit to the name of any Subassembly – add and remove a space to the end of the Subassembly name to force Civil 3D to reinitialize all the Subassemblies in the Assembly.
Pressure Pipe Networks
There are lots of fit and finish improvements and many fixes made to Pressure Pipes.
The support for multiple design Profiles within a Pressure Pipe Run and improved Pipe Length segmentation capabilities are two useful improvements that deserve mention.
There is a new the Relink Pipe Run command to relink pressure network parts to their underlying pipe run alignment. Hoorah.
All Pipe Networks
The 2022.2 Update includes a Label Style synch with the 2023 build that supports functionality to display the Property Set information that has been added to a pressure network or gravity network in plan view in a profile view label. See the related fixes for the Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS as an example.
Collaboration for Civil 3D
Autodesk’s Cloud development initiatives pay us back in our own Civil 3D projects even if we don’t employ a Cloud in our internal workflows.
The Update appears to include the improved 2023 Fix Broken References behaviors and the related Data Shortcut Manager (DSM) tool improvements.
Framework for Civil 3D 2022.2
The existing 2022.1 Update build of the Framework for Civil 3D runs great in the new Civil 3D 2022.2 Update based on our testing.
A new maintenance and update build which includes some additional Framework for Civil 3D 2022.2 goodness will be available any day now.
See the Release 8 2022 Details page for an in-depth written preview.
The Power to Make Civil 3D Work Better
Get the Framework for Civil 3D