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It is a new year in Civil 3D Land. Civil 3D will change this year. There will be a new Autodesk Civil 3D 2024 Release. That upgrade is due to arrive during the Annual Autodesk Rite of Spring. We’ll see a new AutoCAD 2024 before then. The new software will be delivered with the usual rashers of ease-of-use goodies and promises of improved performance. Many of us could write the press release. All of us have a Civil 3D wish list.

Civil 3D Remains the Same and Changes

Will we remain the same or will we change?

Some of us will actively participate in Spring Training. Others play Winter Ball. The joke and references once made sense back in the day. Eheh.

They beg the substantial questions:
Why do the best professionals spend time each year practicing what they already know how to do?
The game remains the same?
The game changes?

How do we think about that?
Are we proactive about that?
What makes all the difference?

We Do the Do or not.

Someone asks,

What is the Most Important Civil 3D Training Tip Ever

  • Every time you Open Civil 3D. Stop.
  • Hit F1
  • Read something you never read before from anywhere in the Help files and manuals
  • Do this for more than one minute but less than five minutes

Whether we understand what we read doesn't matter.

“You’ve got to be kidding?”

What we understand will change.
What we understand remains the same.

Sense and Nonsense

Human understanding is the result of the associative memory and the pattern making processes that continuously go on in our brains. Whether we like it or not, most of the process is automatic and unconscious.

Adult brains are different from the minds of children.
Adults believe we are better able to determine what is important - what has priority.
For new things this is an obvious delusion.
Yet we adults still act on the false assumption.
Adults cheat – our perceived expectation becomes more real than what is.

What we understand remains the same.
What we understand changes.

Learn and Burn

We had and still have things to learn.
We had and still have old, out-of-date practices and workflows to burn.

This is real work.

Maybe you noticed? Over the last couple of quarters I rebuilt the entire cadpilot website. Things must basically remain the same for customers and visitors or the folks get lost in space. Somehow behind the scenes everything must change.

To manage a few thousand posts and as many videos takes a regular and consistent daily effort. I dedicate separate update time to stay current and improve the site performance, site security, and the other backend site services.

Why? I always seriously regret it when I don’t.

We eat the shark one bite at a time.

The cadpilot site is proudly powered by the Modx CMS (Content Management System). After a decade of Modx releases, I’m remain overjoyed not to be in another website platform.

Technically, most of the site pages are delivered by and from multiple cloud platforms from those vendors we all know and love (to hate). The site itself is hosted in yet another cloud. That is standard website stuff these days. It did not used to be. Maybe some smarter folks still don’t. I’ve been at the multiple clouds thing for longer than the term has been in use. Silly me.

The latest and greatest Modx 3.0+ code that powers the website got a major code rewrite and a brand-new user interface this year. Oh. Goody.

Sound Familiar?

Funny. That reconstruction experience is remarkably like a rebuild of Civil 3D Templates. Civil 3D Styles, and other Civil 3D critical resources that we must go through.

In Civil 3D speak this is:


Turn Lane and Median Corridors

I had and still have things to learn.
I had and still have old, out-of-date practices and workflows to burn.

Lord. Please, grant me the grace and mercy to comprehend the difference.

Meanwhile like all of you folks in Civil 3D Land, I have the real work to get out the door.

Make Civil 3D Work Better
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