Survey Queries in AutoCAD Civil 3D…


Manage and Survey Queries in Civil 3D

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Autodesk first introduced Survey Queries in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013. They improved them some in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 by adding export and import functionality. These days you can employ standardized Survey Queries shared among multiple Survey Dbs.

Me, I’m admittedly a long-time Data Geek. Because I am that I’ve become a CAD, BIM, and model-based software geek. How we put it. “Location matters.” I am a big fan of the Survey Db, the better functionality, and the Survey query tools.

Even if you’re not doing formal adjustments and all that “stuff” in Civil 3D, a Survey Db (or two) may be one of the better Data Management things you can do for your current civil engineering or public works project.

Query the Survey Data

Survey Queries in Civil 3D do remain far from perfect from my Data Geek perspective. I think the Query interface is clunky. For one, I believe you should be able to do more technically complex stuff.
I DO hope in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015 we get some improvements. We’ll see soon enough.
The present imperfections are no excuse for you not to pull major benefit from these tools and increase your productivity, shorten your workflows, and maximize your Civil 3D data management skills employing them.

Every civil project could use:

  • A faster way to cleaner surfaces
  • Better and faster Survey and Civil 3D Surface QA and QC
  • Consistent Divide and Conquer tactics for survey Feature data

These “Survey” tools and skills even apply to staff working on the design side of Civil 3D. Really?
Everyone needs a Point now and then. Classic C3D COGO points have their place, but Survey points have more managed GOGO juice. Survey and COGO points are not a choice between the two weevils. They are meant to be and best used together.

Let’s Total Recall and remember…

Civil 3D is a Diva

There are a couple of unAutoCAD like behaviors in Survey Queries you need to watch out for:

  • The more modern and different SQL query syntax and wildcards – “%” instead of “*”
  • Yet another new Tool Palette Panel and Ribbon menu and set of Panels to deal with
  • Even More hierarchical context sensitive Right Clink menus to learn and muddle through
  • Map 3D like previews of the Survey Query results et al

One day someone called me up to ask for an AutoCAD Civil 3D Survey Query primer.

“Do you have stashed away an update on all that?”

Let’s put Survey Queries and some other related Survey Db essentials into a recorded video.

And as I Recall The Answer Is?