People are most often concerned about the templates that contain AutoCAD Civil 3D Styles, Label Styles, and various forms of Sets.
These are what we call "working" , "model", or "production" templates.
Our approach is to make as few templates as possible that include lots of Style depth rather than supply lots of shallow task specific templates. It is easy to remove Styles to make specialized templates.
You should make Style changes in one or more Publish templates for your deliverables.
There are 3 production templates.
- Design - for proposed work
- Survey - for existing work
- No Styles - only layers and blocks and default C3D Standard Styles and Sets
Our Jump Kit makes the job of building your own production templates faster, easier, and More consistent.
Jump Kit includes 1000's of Styles and Style prototypes in a collection of resource drawings for every Civil 3D Feature in the Toolspace.
There are other important templates supplied in the Framework for Civil 3D that will help you:
- Sheet templates - these contain lots of Layouts for both the Sheet Set Manager and
the Plan Production Tool. - A Sheet Set Template - organizes the creating, editing, plotting, and publishing of your work
- A Civil 3D Project Template - provides a storage structure for Civil 3D project data - your drawings and related data shortcuts.