Calculate Earthwork Volumes in Civil 3D
Kyle Groves, a Technical Specialist at ATG, delivers an instructional walkthrough of how to create and calculate Volumes in Civil 3D.
This webinar covers basic and more advanced site grading design issues, tools, and CTC Software Tool improvements.
From the ATG YouTube Channel.
If you do grading site work for a living, the first section of this video is old news. Watch on.
The second section covers the more common volume calculation issues at the level and depth that we must deal with.
The Civil 3D Feature Lines Only crowd will appreciate the workflow and step-by-step detail.
How the CTC Tools compare to Autodesk's new Grading Optimization Tool is something to consider.
I beg to differ with Kyle on an important point.
Civil 3D Site design corridors are not clunky. Corridors produce better managed Feature Lines. Site design corridors take more planned design control work to produce more adaptive results.
They do so better in a project-based, shared-data environment as well.
Rarely, is site grading design performed in a single drawing unless that is what you do. Hmmm?