Civil 3D Geolocation By Address
You want to set up a drawing to a site location. You have a coordinate system and a postal address.
How Zoom to a Geolocation By Address in Civil 3D
Jerry Bartels of Autodesk details the mechanics of how to use a combination of
AutoCAD and Civil 3D tools and properties to set up a Civil 3D drawing
and zoom to a site location by address.
A cool trick to employ the AutoCAD GEOGRAPHICLOCATION command and the Map option this way!
From the Jerry's YouTube Channel.
and the Civil Imersion blog.
Now if you want to set up multiple Autodesk applications like Revit and Infraworks to also share this point,
You need a couple of extra free tools. Watch this Shared Reference Points Across Products video by John Sayre that explains the how to in detail.