Important Things to Know for Civil 3D
Autodesk's Jerry Bartels delivers an exploration of miscellaneous important AutoCAD commands, tools, and tricks for work in Civil 3D.
This video is part of the 30-Minute Workout series on the Civil Immersion site.
See the Jerry Bartels YouTube Channel.
and the Civil Immersion blog.
Jerry covers some important improvements to the Layer Manager and clariifies the important difference between Layer FREEZE and OFF and the VP versions.
For lack of time perhaps Jerry fails to mention that Civil 3D allows you to export and import Layer Filters. AutoCAD still does not.
The demoed use of the AutoCAD Geolocation Tool to get the lat long of a location and zoom to it in Civil 3D is pretty cute and useful.
Some great Status bar tips are covered as well plus a demo of the ACAD 2021 new TRIM command Quick Selection default and issues.