The Layer Translator and CAD Standards Tools
Ryan Wunderlich, an IMAGINiT Technical Specialist, reviews the powers of the AutoCAD LAYTRANS command and CAD Standards Checker.
See the IMAGINiT YouTube Channel.
Ryan delivers one of the best walkthroughs ever on the the useful and powerful LAYTRANS command and the CAD Standards Checker.
The art of LAYTRANS is covered in the first 15 minutes. The CAD Standards Checker begins after that.
Ryan also answers some questions that relate to Civil 3D and these important AutoCAD CAD Management Tools.
The Framework for Civil 3D includes powerful and in-depth Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tools that can produce resources for LAYTRANS and the CAD Standards Checker.
What do you know? The Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tools will even produce those useful Layer States to help users manage and employ the results.