Civil 3D Survey Video Training
Useful Basic Civil Training from Civil 3D Survey Experts and Consultants
Civil 3D experts and consultants produce a wide range of survey specific video content.
This pages features videos about survey tasks in Civil 3D.
These may range from the very basic to advanced topics.
Get a Civil 3D Survey Db running even if you only do design.
Please visit included links to the original postings. Those may contain details not included here for the sake of brevity.
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Recent or Select Videos
The Traverse Editor in Civil 3D
The Traverse Editor in Civil 3D
A video review of how to employ the Civil 3D Traverse Editor and the Traverse Analyis commands in Civil 3D.
Visit the Civil Click This Do That YouTube Channel page.
A nice and quick review of the useful Traverse Editor functionality with a peek at the Traverse Analysis dialog box.
The externalized Travese Editor files can be very useful and that capability is probably too easy to miss.
Civil 3D Survey Template Tips and Tricks
Civil 3D Survey Template Tips and Tricks
Cindy Davenport of ZenTek Consultants demos how to improve the capabilities of a Civil 3D template to maximize Survey data and Surface construction in Civil 3D.
From the ZenTek Consultants YouTube Channel.
Cindy does a great job covering how and why Description Key Sets, Figure Prefix Dbs, and essential Civil 3D Point Groups can help to power up a Civil 3D production template.
Lat Long Coordinates in Civil 3D
Lat Long Coordinates in Civil 3D
Eva Helps, a Seiler Design Solutions tech, demos how to display Lat Long Coordinates inside Civil 3D 2024.
How to employ the GEOLATLONGFORMAT system variable.
Visit the Seiler Design Solutions YouTube page
See the Seiler Design Solutions blog.