Civil 3D Survey Video Training
Useful Basic Civil Training from Civil 3D Survey Experts and Consultants
Civil 3D experts and consultants produce a wide range of survey specific video content.
This pages features videos about survey tasks in Civil 3D.
These may range from the very basic to advanced topics.
Get a Civil 3D Survey Db running even if you only do design.
Please visit included links to the original postings. Those may contain details not included here for the sake of brevity.
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Recent or Select Videos
Concept Grading From Survey LiDAR Data
Concept Grading From Survey LiDAR Data
Mark Schnesk of Seiler Design Solutions demos methods to utilize, ReCap Pro, Infraworks, Civil 3D, and Grading Optimization for preliminary Design with sUAS LiDAR Data.
See Mark Schnesk's AKN page
Visit the Seiler Design Solutions YouTube page
See the Seiler Design Solutions blog.
A great detailed review of LiDAR Drone to concept grading plan with Autodesk Infrastructure products.
The Traverse Editor and Property Descriptions
The Traverse Editor and Property Descriptions
Autodesk's Alan Gilbert delivers multiple how to tips on how to enter property descriptions in Civil 3D.
This video is part of the 30-Minute Workout series.
See the Alan Gilbert's YouTube Channel.
and the Civil Immersion blog.
There are many ways to enter and resolve property boundaries and traverses inside of Civil 3D. Some are ingenious.
Alan shows off how to employ the powerful and mission critical Traverse Editor and the Civil 3D Transparent commands in important ways in this video.
Reading the Traverse Editor help file is more than important. Alan isn't kidding.
See the follow up video - Closure Analysis with the Traverse Adjustment Tool
Customize Civil 3D Toolbox Reports
Customize Civil 3D Toolbox Reports
Nick Turner of MG AEC Technology Partners, shows where and how to customize many of the essential Civil 3D Toolbox reports.
From the MG AEC Technology Partners Channel Videos