Dynamo for Civil 3D Videos
Do More in Civil 3D with Dynamo
Autodesk staff and other experts produce a wide range of video content for Dynamo for Civil 3D.
Some is product sales demo, but a lot of the staff and other expert's recordings, video lists, and channels include useful application training and helpful tips and tricks for core AutoCAD and Autodesk Infrastructure products.
Content that is significant video training is listed here.
Please visit included links to the original postings. Those may contain details not included here for the sake of brevity.
Recent or Select Videos
Dynamo for Civil 3D Data Mining
Dynamo for Civil 3D Data Mining
Stephen Walz previews his AU 2023 Data Processing and Mining with Dynamo for Civil 3D class
How can we employ Dynamo for Civil 3D, Excel, and Power BI to better manage our projects in Civil 3D.
Visit the Stephen Walz YouTube page.
A great CAD Manager take on the usage and benefits of data exxtraction and assembly with Dynamo for Civil 3D, Excel, and Power BI.
Class should be a great deep dive.
Stephen has a Civil 3D training book out for beginners - Autodesk Civil 3D Start to Finish
The Autodesk Dynamo Hours Playlist
The Autodesk Dynamo Hours Playlist
You can employ the list control in the player to select and play any of the many videos in the playlist.
An on-going and in-depth series of webcasts that cover all things Dynamo delivered by the Autodesk Dynamo geeks.
From the Autodesk Community Channel Playlists
Welcome to Dynamo Hours.
Want some in-depth instruction and how to about Dynamo?
This on-going and growing playlist of Autodesk 1-hour webinars can be really helpful and informative.
Most of the Autodesk Customer Success webcasts have 3-5 minutes of introductions, etc. before the presentation.
Dynamo Basics in Civil 3D
Dynamo Basics in Civil 3D
Bryan Tanner, a Technical Specialist at ATG, delivers an walkthrough of the Dynamo basic mechanics in Civil 3D.
From the ATG YouTube Channel.
All the basic mechanics of Dynamo they don't tell you but you need to know in an hour.
It is important to remember that Dynamo for Civil 3D 2022 by default employs Python 3.
This may require that you update scripts from the old 2.7 syntax to the new 3.0.