Model Underground Utilities in InfraWorks
Using SHP Files to Model Underground Utilities in InfraWorks
Jeff Bartels of Autodesk drags and drops SHP files with Rim elevation and other Pipe and Structure data into Civil 3D via the Map Task pane and minor edits to the Map Styles.
He repeats the process of SHP import into in Infraworks to model and review the Structures and Pipes.
From the Jeff Bartels YouTube Channel.
and the Civil Immersion blog.
Note that Jeff artfully dodges any discussion of pushing the SHP data into a Civil 3D Pipes Network.
This is a bit more involved and not exactly the point of the video. You are going to ask.
See the Import GIS Data Wizard in Civil 3D Help.
Careful there are older 2014-2017 help versions and this newer help version for Civil 3D 2018.