Construct Rural Intersection Corridors
Russ Nicloy of MACER Technologies delivers a ACEC Wisconsin presentation on the construction superelevated Rural Intersection Corridors and Surfaces.
The workflows and Civil 3D mechanics delivered in the video are well worth the time and our consideration.
Thanks to ACEC Wisconsin for making the training presentations available.
See the ACEC Wisconsin YouTube Channel
The presentation does include the use of specialized WISDOT tools and content.
The video was produced in Civil 3D 2020 so the improved 2022 Corridor Targeting and new 2023 Transition tools available in 2023 are not employed.
However, the use of Set Up Corridors, Connected Alignments between Centerlines to define Intersection Quadrants, Widings and Offset Alignments and Profiles, and the important essentials of Refined finished Top and Refined finsished Datum Surfaces should be valuable for everyone.
The workflow and methods employed here require planned naming convention standards for everything and mission critical Data Reference (DREF) project structures.
See our Intersection and Corridors pages for more details and videos.