Survey Publication Part Two
The Process and Workflow of Plan Deliverable Production
What are the essentials of publishing complex digital deliverables from Civil 3D.
This Training Video provides an brief big picture overview.
Videos employ the InstantOn Resources Project Dataset
available with InstantOn and Jump Kit Framework products.
The Ballpark Survey Db from the InstantOn Project dataset is employed
Topics Covered:
Figure Data Cleanups
o Identify bad & crossing Figures
· Check for Crossing Breaklines
o Add extra points to Figures
Needed geometry points in Figures – better arc definitions – will a copied 3D Line work?
Gates in Fences , Breaks in Figure ,etc.
Close an open slab , building , roof Figures, etc.
o Create Figures Interactively to add missing pieces
Driveway End and Start to back of aprons
Close open figures – Can you Continue
Missing segments in Figures
Delete and Recreate Interactively miss connected Figures
Add Figures to become Surface Breaklines to correct Surface issues
Export to Backup Added Figures
o Create Offset Feature Lines from Figures in a Drawing
Edit Survey Figure Properties versus Edit Geometry and Edit Elevation Ribbon Tools
Face of Curb if you only have Back of Curb etc – Standard Curb & Gutter
Create Figures from Feature Line Objects
Export to Backup Added Figures
Point Data Cleanups
o Do you want a Publish Survey Database?
Separate and Different?
Collection Requires Correction
o Check for unmatched Codes
Use a Description Key Set that assigns one Point Style to ALL codes with no Labels
Create a NOMATCH Point Group that assigns a different Point Style and/or Label Style
- Put the NOMATCH Group above _All Points
o Correct Codes
Miscodes and/or codes you want to change
Sized Vaults for generic ones
Pipe Inverts, Outfalls, etc.
Other Descriptions and field book notes
o Add Points for more Detail
Create Point to add detail to Figures
Other Descriptions and field book notes
Add COGO points back as Survey Points into the Survey DB
- Export to a file and Import back in
- Can Import directly from a Drawing - What if the drawing is deleted? No problem.
Symbols Drawing
o Get The Right Codes First
o Get the Named View and Annotative Scale Right
Use Point Styles with Blocks Not Markers for Digital Output
o Suitable Description Key Set
How do you want the Descriptions? - The Format Column
Edit the Scale in the DKS even for Relative Point Styles
o Suitable Point Groups
Delay Manual Edits – The Last Resort
Every Import Event becomes a Survey Point Group
Work you do here pays off in Labels too
- Externalize the Point Group definitions
No Display and All Points
Select by Point Group to Be Explicit and to Rotate
- The Rotation values help with the Labels
o Employ Survey Queries to Help Group and Collect Points
Survey Queries Not in 2012, Internal in 2013, External and Internal in 2014
Easier to Build Include or Exclude lists
Employ the Power of NOT to Get to the Point
Point Label Drawings
o Get The Right Codes First
o Get the Named View and Annotative Scale Right
o More than One Labels drawing Can be Better
Less to deal with and easier to manage
o Employ the Point Groups Definitions from the Symbols drawing
SaveAs Works
Remove the Points - Loose the Explicit Rotations
Apply Description Keys is Worth the Wait
- A Key Set with no Point Styles
An All Points with almost No Point Style
- Employ Point Styles with Blocks Not Markers for Digital Output
o Label Only What Matters – Less can be More
The FORMAT Column in the DKS
Every Label Dragged Must be Maintained
Point Styles NOT Label Styles Control where the Drag Leader Starts
o Tables Come From Point Groups Too
Point Numbers can be replaced manually by Symbols
o A Publish Survey Db
Can it be Separate and Different?
Produce the Second Act
o AECEXPORT<VERSION> does NOT use an acad.dwt file
Creates a drawing from scratch with ONLY the ACAD references included in the Features
- If you want it in the exported drawing, make it visible on the screen
The Civil 3D Batch Convertor that will do many drawings at once
o Export, Produce and Post-process the Results
Explode to Primitives as Needed
Use INSERT|EXPLODE to load ACAD resources as Needed – All the Blocks, Layers, etc.
Runs Scripts to Update the named references – blocks, layers, textstyles, linetypes, etc
o Create an Assembly drawing of the ACAD Results
Check the Results
- All the same drawings as the Civil 3D version
Go Back and fix the Civil 3D drawing and Reprocess the Results
o Create an Combined ACAD Drawing from the Checked Results
Combine Methods
- INSERT|EXPLODE Method - INSERT with Explode checked
- Map Queries to combine and/or change Results – Can combine stuff and change stuff
Use Scripts to Rename Blocks and Layers
- To employ a Script you need All the references in it – Blocks, Layers, etc
The Third Act - DGN
o DGNEXPORT the Combined ACAD
Search “MAPEXPORT to DGN” in the AutoCAD MAP Help
MapExport.ini, Mapdgn.ini, MapForeignFileProperties.ini files
- When exporting, AutoCAD Map 3D looks first for the .ini files in the current directory.
- If no .ini file is there, it uses the .ini files in the Windows 7
C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D <releaseyear>\folder.
To always use the same settings, do not create additional .ini files.
Important and/or Meaningless Translation Details
- Blocks become named Cells
- Layer to Level conversion – Translate Named Layer to Level see MapExport.ini
- Color conversion – Translate color numbers
Templates employ ACI colors and NO basic (the first sixteen) colors
o DGNEXPORT makes the cells and the levels
If the cells are attached to the seed, they are employed in the result
o Coordinate Systems and DGN
DGN must employ a seed file in the “right” system
(or NOT)
DGN files even in current releases employ a tiled type coordinate system
o The acad.dwt that is referenced by MAP EXPORT is IMPORTANT
Where is Civil 3D finding the acad.dwt file?
- Current Working Directory – See the Desktop Shortcut Properties – the UserDataCache
- OR the first one found in the current Profile’s File Resources folder
Contents of the acad.dwt - You Can Change the Results
- The references that exist cannot be overwritten
Blocks, Layers, Textstyles, Linetypes, CTB/STB, etc.
o DGNEXPORT is a variation of MAPEXPORT
The DGN version and particulars are important –
A DGN file the reference cells with the same names will employ those cells in the final output