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1655 Results found for ""code set style""

1561. How do I explain why Styles are important to a non-user?

You will run into this question and issue with the project engineers, principals, and many others. Most use Excel. They use Excel templates. They keep reusing and probably tweaking them a little from...

1562. How do I learn to use the product?

Work in the example project dataset. Do it every day. Do real things. The fact is you are only going to learn to use AutoCAD Civil 3D by doing work. That does NOT mean that only random play and trial...

1563. How many styles are included?

More than you will probably ever need or use. The Production Solution products are designed to give you working choices rather than just a few examples. There are 2500+ Feature and Label Styles in Instant...

1564. How do I protect my customized styles and templates?

Never give a drawing file containing your styles to anyone. Therefore you should post process required digital deliverables the same way you plot plan sets. Things end up on the right layers when you...

1565. What about others who cannot deal with Civil 3D drawings?

Dealing with partner companies and even clients can be difficult which is one reason we tend to stick with the same partners. We have seen studies that show that partner data exchange man-hours can be...

1566. Why is Civil 3D so different?

The question often carries the implication that Civil 3D is too different from existing legacy CAD software (Land Desktop). Software is only a tool. No more, no less. We do love our familiar tools! They...

1567. Will it work out of the box?

You betcha. Why bother with all that customizing? Get InstantOn and Just Use It. All you do need is tweak the Feature and Command Settings for your Style and Set preferences. Add your linetypes and textstyles...

1568. What must I Do to Get To Work?

The Framework for AutoCAD Civil 3D is Simple, Fast and Easy to Get Working! Manually install the Instant On desktop's Working Model templates and key resource files. (How to do that is included in the...

1569. How are your Templates different from the Civil 3D ones?

All the templates that ship with AutoCAD Civil 3D are ONLY basic examples. They include the basic Styles to demonstrate how the software works at a product demostration level. No one could produce a deliverable...

1570. Can I get a trial version?

Purchase Templates Only - It may be affordable but it's NOT Feeble. Templates Only cannot be matched by anything you can buy from anyone anywhere... even if you're willing to pay for in-depth personalized...