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1465 Results found for "project management"
1281. CAD Toasters at Autodesk University 2011
Hey. I'm still a GeeK doing technical geek CAD Standards and CAD Implementation stuff at AU 2011 in CAD Management and IT track. The AU 2011 Catalog I like to speak geek too. So do many of you. Implementation...
1282. Symbols of Sanity
When we initially set out to build the Jump Platform for AutoCAD Civil 3D, we recognized it was going to be a long-term effort. To meet the demanding real world CAD Standards need of thousands of civil...
1283. What's New in the Jump for 2012?
Smart People want to know what's new and improved in the Jump for 2012. Since our 2011 product ran in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 on release day, how do we top that? Our goal is simple. A Higher Standard to...
1284. Systemic Failure and Morality underwent major changes in the last couple of months. It wasn't altogether voluntary as recent posts attest. For reasons unknown the front end of our telerik Sitefinity content management...
1285. Shear in Our New Blender
Can we interest you in a batch of graphene on this fine Independence Day weekend? Honestly, after becoming a science experiment in shear; a testimony to the fact of Systemic Failure; and a exercise in...
1286. InstantOn Basic 4 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 is Here!
Sept 16, 2011 - MoreCompetency, Inc. released InstantOn Basic 4 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012. The InstantOn Basic 4 2012 (IOB) Template Collection product allows organizations of any size to rapidly deploy...
1287. What Does Publish on Demand Mean to You?
People wave their hands and talk about "Model Based" software, "Model Based" design, and BIM. What do these words really mean where the rubber hits the road? Maybe the answer is simple, but it sure appears...
1288. I Survey Civil 3D and Say Thank you to MASSDOT
In Hyannis, MA at the annual at the Massachusetts Association of Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers (MALSCE) Annual Convention late last month The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MASSDOT...
1289. Point Dreams in the Annotative View Space
For reasons that I trust are pretty obvious to all by now, I routinely get lots of questions about AutoCAD Civil 3D Point Styles and their "strange" behaviors. The Choices of Confusion Inside Civil 3D...
1290. Point Selection Peformance
As a follow up to my previous post on Point Symbols, their management, custom Civil 3D templates, and Point Styles, I thought I ought to warn you of a AutoCAD Civil 3D Point performance gotcha. The method...