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1467 Results found for "project management"
1031. AutoCAD 2018 Released
AutoCAD 2018 employs a new version of the DWG format which is both a performance and model capability upgrade to the 2013 DWG format employed in releases 2013-2017. AutoCAD 2018 The AutoCAD 2018 Preview...
1032. Extracted Tables and Lists in Civil 3D
Autodesk does not make it apparent in AutoCAD Civil 3D that you can table notes, lists, etc. tied to markers of any sort you choose. As we saw before in Not So Simple Tables in Civil 3D all this...
1033. Not So Simple Tables in Civil 3D
AutoCAD supports the core Microsoft (Excel) table object directly these days. Odds are you already know this. It has actually been true for a number of releases. I don’t mean the old Windows OLE...
1034. Legends and Lists AddOn Released
AutoCAD Civil 3D does not provide an out of the box solution that generates Symbol Legends, Abbreviation Lists, Constructions Note Tables, Revision Tracking Tables, and a host of other production plan...
1035. Apply Description Keys Command
Apply Description Keys Command 3/7/2017 How Apply Description Keys command works in Civil 3D Comments Jerry Bartels of Autodesk covers the Civil 3D command APPLYDESCKEYS. The command reapplies Description...
1036. Recorded Line Work in Civil 3D
Far be it for me to instruct surveyors and civil engineers about the vagaries of properties recorded and found. That would be like instructing my childhood chicken farmer neighbor on the art of sucking...
1037. The Civil 3D Survey One and Many
AutoCAD Civil 3D started out to establish a new civil engineering design paradigm. Get the model and the data right. For practical purposes that right means - suitable. From that suitable model we may...
1038. Feb 2017 Training and Help
Feb 2017 Website Additions and Updates We released a new Civil 3D Survey at Jump Speed training course and page Major website engine updates in mid-month in preparation for planned SSL site conversion...
1039. Corridor Structure Material Volumes
Corridor Structure Material Volumes 2/23/2017 How To Calculate on Corridor Structure Material Volumes Comments Jeff Bartels of Autodesk walks through the basics of Structure Materials Volume calculation...
1040. Civil 3D Leverage and the Label Float
One of the great things about AutoCAD Civil 3D is that there are lots of ways to get things done. One of the worst things about Civil 3D is that there are lots of ways to get things done. The power of...