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1467 Results found for "project management"
1101. AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 SP3 Released
At the end of the last week in July Autodesk released AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Service Pack 3. The mid-summer barrage of Service Packs continues. Sp3 for Civil 3D 2016 service pack includes better Infraworks...
1102. SP3 for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Released
Service Pack 3 for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 includes previous AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 SP1 and SP2 updates. Previous fixes from those service packs are not list below. Service Pack 3 for AutoCAD Civil...
1103. July 2016 Training and Help
July 2016 Website Additions and Updates A brief summary of the month's website additions and updates: New Install Videos and updates to the Installation Video pages for Release 7 in Windows 10 Updated...
1104. Beyond Export Layout in Civil 3D
A useful Export out of AutoCAD Civil 3D seems to be the theme of the week in Civil 3D Land. Last post I harped on Export command issues in Civil 3D 2015-2017. I delivered some useful tips and work arounds...
1105. Strange Civil 3D Point Export Behavior
Editable Digital Deliverable production for other CAD apps from AutoCAD Civil 3D is less of a pain today than in the past. However, it’s sad to say that all is not as it should be in Civil 3D Land...
1106. Shared Civil 3D Resources Not in a Project
The Framework for AutoCAD Civil 3D by default employs the concept of project-based resources. Why? Many civil engineers and surveyors work on projects with different design, survey, and deliverable requirements...
1107. Civil 3D Template Development
Template Development is a truth in numbers game for all the civil engineers and surveyors who use AutoCAD Civil 3D. This is a case where it is way too easy to miss the forest for the trees. The metaphor...
1108. Big Science and Hot Jupiters
This July 4th weekend NASA managed to drop the Juno probe into orbit around Jupiter. This was accomplished by autopilot. The press treated that like it was something new. There was some doubt? If the...
1109. On Civil 3D 2017 Reference Templates
There is always some fear and loathing for writers associated with a post about newly introduced feature in the latest AutoCAD Civil 3D. New product features do tend to arrive as a work in progress. Autodesk...
1110. Who Broke Feature Lines in Civil 3D 2016 SP2
Seems to be the week for odd News, Productivity Packs, and things I missed getting out the new Release 7. Strange Feature Line things happened to me in Civil 3D 2016. Do they happen to you? Then...