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1465 Results found for "project management"
1301. Upgrade Tips from the Free Jump to IOB
I thought I’d throw some Upgrade from the Free Jump to InstantOn Basic 4 AutoCAD Civil 3D suggestions into a single post. That accomplishes a little product documentation and greater understanding in...
1302. Profiles in the Autodesk Clouds
Last week I posted about Best Fit Alignments and Profiles in Civil 3D. Autodesk Labs also upped the game at least for "vertical alignment optimization". Autodesk Labs released a cloud based application...
1303. HNY or Help I Think I'm Falling!
Happy New Year Er well sort of... Help I Think I'm Falling Some things we all like put off too long. Some things we must put off. Some things we just want to put off. I'm really not any different than...
1304. ITS 4 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 Goes Live
I want to Play with ITS all day. What the heck is ITS 4 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012? Interactive Terrain Shaping = ITS Autodesk Labs released a technology preview of new surface modeling tools for AutoCAD Civil...
1305. Visual Surface Quality Assurance
One of the best things about AutoCAD Civil 3D are the visuals that Civil 3D Styles and the backend AutoCAD display engine can produce. If we employ these capabilities to our advantage they are: More Than...
1306. Better Point Group Maintenance
Point Groups coupled with Description Key Sets provide us with a powerful environment to manage, display and annotate COGO point data in AutoCAD Civil 3D. Remember - YOU Rule the Points Prior to AU 2011...
1307. 13 Favorites for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013
Can we really count the improvements in the next release of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013? There are lots more than 13 of them of course. No one is interested in a number count anyway. We want to get our survey...
1308. AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 - More Raw Performance
Frankly, I was More than a bit surprised Autodesk decided to go with the “2013” moniker for the release. Were you? If Autodesk is not going to be superstitious, we shouldn’t be either. Should we be afraid...
1309. A Call for Small Balls?
I ran across this post and video in the MIT News. It is more than interesting for a host of reasons. "Inspired by a toy, the ‘buckliball’ — a collapsible structure fabricated from a single piece of material...
1310. Are Surfaces New in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013?
...project template(s), like the one included in InstantOn Basic, do handle that sort of standard project management structure? If you haven’t employed Survey in 2012 with SP 1 or above, don’t neglect or...